StarMan PONTIAC 1958
My Name is Lars Elofsson and my life is dedicated to 1958 PONTIAC
I live in sothern part of SWEDEN and I am a 58 PONTIAC collector.
I also a Board member in Pontiac Oakland Club Intl, where I also hold
a 58 Tec Advisor Position for 58 PONTIAC.
On this Blog you gone find a lot of 1958 Pontiac Information, story’s, pictures
etc etc. And hopefully a lot of StarMan Friends Car pictures.
To be a friend just put in a comment on the comments under the inlay then I send
you my e-mail where to send your picture and some info.
If you want to be e member in a the big 58 family, fill out questions in e-mail
I send to you. The only one that could get hold on that list is other registered members,
if you agree to it otherwise its all in my computer.
This blog is a living items so it add stuff al the time and it usaly goes a couple of days between.
Feel Free to ask any 58 PONTIAC question, al questions and answers will be
put up under the Kategori.
Klick on the word kommentarer in the end of every inlay and follow the
First namn/name
Your E-mail adress (not gone be shown more then to me)
If you have a own blogg or site fill in that adress URL/bloggadress.
In Kommentarer field put in your coments or question etc.
Some Info gone be launched in both Swedish and English and some links to other interesting
sites is also on the right side of the start page.
OBS some pages itself is added more info on to them as I dig up moore.
The StarMan
Larry Crider säger:
Like the site, look forward in sending in photo of my 58.
Mike Hager säger:
To start, I really enjoy your website. I have a 58 chieftain that I am restoring to the original colors. The body and roof are reefshell pink and the inlay is tropicana turqouise (KKL). I have asked alot of pontiac people if they have ever seen this combination and they all say no. So, have you ever seen it and if so, how does it look. Do you have a picture with this cobination that you could send me? Thanks
The StarChief säger:
Glad you liket the blogg Mike. Gone make yuo some examples and send to you.
Jonas Ingemarsson säger:
Hej! Jag äger en Pontiac starchief 58 och gillar din blogg. Vill gärna vara med. Skicka du mejl till mig så skickar jag tillbaks foto på min bil. Jonas
Stefan Klingzell säger:
Mycket trevlig sida du har skapat, vi har precis införskaffat en custom safari som är renoveringsobjekt.
Kan skicka lite mer info o bilder om du skickar adressen.
Hälsningar Stefan